The Ghana Athletics Association have appointed experienced broadcaster and communication expert Charles Osei Asibey as a board member of the organisation, the association has confirmed.

The 46-year-old, who recently contested for a seat during the Ghana Olympic Committee elections, joins the association’s as a co-opted board member and as a result has been tasked to perform specific specialised duties to help the development and growth of the association.

Osei Asibey, who is credited for founding the Ghana Armwrestling Federation, is expected to bring his rich experience in fundraising, marketing and mass communication on board to strengthen and shapen Athletics.

The former broadcaster at Despite Media Company, Global Media Alliance, Agoo Magazine, EMG Multimedia, Multimedia Group Limited and currently the General Secretary of the Sports Writers Association of Ghana (SWAG), Charles Osei Asibey once served the Ghana Athletics Association, Ghana Basketball Association, Ghana Boxing Authority and the Ghana Weightlifting Federation in various capacities.